Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 4, Mon. March 16th. Broken Arrow to Vinita, OK.

Came up to Broken Arrow with Loudog last night and started the day there. With another Walmart delay I was finally on my way. I want to say thanks to Lou real quick!
I rode a little over 60 miles today after a two day break. The ride was un-eventful and I want to talk about other things.
I am dedicating todays ride to my boy Ben and to the Deans of Dallas. I thought about you guys alot today and this is personal. I believe that on a civlian level I have a unique perspective on freedom; when one sees America at ten miles an hour one recieves an education in the cities of our nation, you learn what it means and what it costs to be free. Dean Jr. is a pilot in the Navy and Ben is a sailor. When the Statue of Liberty started shaking her fist Guys like Ben, Dean, JW, Leroy, Matt, Tyler, Josh, and countful others stepped up to get'er done. They put their lives in harms way for all; and they never ask why, what for; they know why they're there, end of story!
Thank you will never be enough and I love you ALL. You complete me! I watched Dean Sr. from across the table at dinner the other night and as he watched his son speak with us, I could not only see his profound pride and love for his boy, but I could feel it; its' energy if you will. I understand that with all of my heart; I feel ya Dean. We have raised some good ones buddy!
Ben arrived in Iraq today and starts another tour of duty; tough days and some inevitable worry will consume part of me but I choose to do something positive with that burden. I do what I do because of you and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am honored!
So, today was for you guys and I'll get back to SLF business tommorow. God is with us all!

PWWE= Pray It--Will It--Want It--Earn It=PWWE

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