Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spider Bite Delays Ride To El Paso

Frank was slowed but not stopped completely by a non-life threatening spider bite. As he was preparing to leave, he felt something crawling on his neck, reflexes took over and he slapped hard and killed a spider. A few minutes later the bite on his neck was swelling a little bit.

Somewhat concerned I asked, “Did you save the spider?” thinking it would be evidence needed to deternime just how sick he was about to get.

“Nothing left of him” Frank replied.

Hmmm…I thought for a second, most people would want to know if a bite that close to the brain stem would turn out to be dangerous. But who am I kidding? Frank has eaten more dangerous things than this spider and he has already survived a brown recluse bite. So put a little Neosporin on it, get an anti-biotic from the clinic – and wait 48 hrs to see if you can still walk and talk. If so, you are ready to ride.

Another day in the life of Frank – and this trip has not even begun. What’s next? Tune in to find out. The trip has been delayed for one week.